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"Working for self-determined development in the long term and even beyond one's own lifetime."

Preamble NETZ Stiftung

We founded NETZ e.V. because we have a responsibility to ensure that human dignity and basic rights are respected everywhere.

The close exchange and contact with the people in Bangladesh gave and gives us the unique opportunity to make change possible in joint actions.

The NETZ Stiftung creates a framework to maintain and develop this commitment. Through donations we give something back to society and at the same time point the way to a better future. I invite you to join in and look forward to hearing from you.

Manfred Krüger

Manfred Krüger was a founding member of NETZ e.V. in 1989 and is the founding benefactor of the NETZ Foundation in 2021.

The NETZ Stiftung was established in 2021 to sustainably secure the work in Bangladesh.

The foundation complements the direct support of ongoing projects. It provides protection against unexpected risks and promotes new approaches in project work to fight poverty and innovations in the association.

The NETZ Stiftung is an endowment fund in the umbrella foundation for individual giving, managed in trust by GLS Treuhand e.V..

The administration of the foundation is professional and legally secured. The foundation's assets are invested exclusively in ethical-ecological and social investments.

Your free asset donation - making an impact on the future

Free asset donations are forward-looking investments. Foundation founds and their impacts form long-time financing options for poverty reduction. This is in contrast to donations, which are poject-related and deployed in a timely manner.

You can support the NETZ-Stiftung in three ways:

  • with free foundation assets
  • with a donation subject to objection
  • with a bequest

With your support the fight against hunger, for education and more justice will remain succesful in the future.

"NETZ consistently advocates for people in Bangladesh. I have been involved for a long time and am happy to create opportunities now in principle and for the future."

Yasmine Peters, Managing Director prime4services GmbH

How is your donation of assets managed?

The chairmen/women of the association NETZ Partnerschaft für Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit e.V. are authorized to issue instructions to GLS Treuhand.

You may donate an undefined amount to the NETZ-Stiftung; there are no minimum amounts. You will receive a tax-deductible donation receipt for your free property donation.

With pleasure we will answer your questions regarding the NETZ-Stiftung in a personal conversation.

Feel free to reach out to us!

Manfred Krüger, Dr. Max Stille


Moritz-Hensoldt-Straße 20
35576 Wetzlar, Germany
Telephone: 0(049)6441 97463-15


Accountholder: Dachstiftung für individuelles Schenken
Purpose: „Freie Vermögensspende für die NETZ-Stiftung”
DE54 4306 0967 0103 7008 00

"Poverty is the lack of opportunity."

Amartya Sen, Bengali Nobel Laureate