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Rules of conduct and complaint procedures
NETZ consistently advocates for human dignity and ensures ethical standards in the organizational environment in Bangladesh and Germany.
To prevent discrimination, sexual harassment/abuse and corruption, NETZ has established protection and grievance mechanisms. Here you can find an overview and contact persons in case of complaints.

  • Gender and equality

    NETZ has a Gender Policy that comprehensively describes how NETZ is continuously moving forward on its path to gender equality. It contains important principles and mechanisms and can be accessed here.

  • Rules of conduct against sexual harassment
  • Child Protection

    NETZ implements its commitment to protect children. You can find it here. In Bangladesh, there is a central contact person for child protection (childprotection@netz-bangladesh.de). 

  • Who can I contact?

    In order to have clear contact persons within the NETZ teams, for people in the association and at partner organizations of NETZ, NETZ has defined contact persons in Germany and Bangladesh for the areas of gender and prevention of sexual harassment as well as for child protection.

    In Germany, Anastasia Rau, Team Leader Basic Education, is the representative for gender and equality. She is always happy to answer questions or to be contacted by phone at 06441 / 97463-20 or via email at gender@bangladesch.org.

    In addition, NETZ has an ombudsperson who acts as an external complaints body independent of the organization and association. Josef Selders is an independent attorney who you can contact via 0209 / 6000910 and selders.josef@googlemail.com. Upon request, he is also happy to forward inquiries to a female colleague.

  • What information should a complaint contain?

    You can always contact us. In order to process complaints well, it helps us if you describe the incident as concretely and in detail as possible.

    The following questions are helpful: What happened? (brief description of the incident) Where did it happen? Who was involved? When did the incident happen?

    Feel free to leave your contact details so that we can get in touch with you. However, anonymous complaints are also welcome at any time.

    We ensure that all complaints submitted are treated confidentially. The person making the complaint does not have to fear any disadvantages, even if the complaint does not turn out to be true. NETZ acts in accordance with the applicable legislation in Germany and Bangladesh.

  • Tips for the further development of our system?

    We would like to continuously develop our protection system. If you have any comments on the policies, terminology used or other points, please feel free to write to us, e.g. to Max Stille, Executive Director, at stille@bangladesch.org.

Do you have questions or complaints about gender and equality?

I am Sara Khatun, Programme Manager (Human Rights). Never hesitate to contact me if you have any complaint or suggestion on gender policy.

I am Md. Abul Akram Tuhin, Finance Manager NETZ. Never hesitate to contact me if you have any complaint or suggestion on child protection.