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There are many ways to get involved socially with NETZ.

There are many ways to get involved socially with NETZ.

What's in it for you? 

  • A positive image gain 
  • Customer loyalty through an confidence-building external representation 
  • Tax advantages 
  • The good feeling of contributing to a further worth living for all 

Wt do we offer? 

  • Transparent way of working 
  • Individual support 
  • Investments in sustainable projects with high social impact 

Donation opportunities for various occasions

Egal ob Sie sich an Weihnachten für eine Spende statt Geschenk entscheiden oder eine Spendenaktion zum Firmenjubiläum planen. Vielleicht möchten Sie auch den Teamgeist durch gemeinsames soziales Engagement fördern oder mit einer Cause-Related-Marketing-Aktion Gutes tun. Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten. Wir unterstützen Sie gerne bei der Ideenfindung und der Durchführung.

Become a NETZ partner and support permanently

Thanks to your long-term support, together we can achieve even more. Make frequent monthly or annual donations. Receive the NETZ supporter logo and our material package for your communication on- and offline.

Invest into the future with an endowment

With an endowment to the NETZ-Stiftung, you assume social responsibility and promote help for self-help for people in extreme poverty into the future.

Find the right framework for you 

You would like to develop a new idea that suits you? We are always open to that. We will be happy to support you in finding the right measure or NETZ funding project for your company.

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Hallo, ich bin Leonard Barlag. Möchten Sie mehr über die
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