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Corporate Identity of NETZ Partnership for Development and Justice
NETZ struggles for human dignity and against hunger in Bangladesh. Through partnership and professionalism NETZ supports self-help for nutrition, education and human rights.

  • NETZ is a charitable and independent association registered in Germany. Full time employees, volunteers, individuals, diverse groups, parishes and enterprises engage in action to bring more justice to Bangladesh. Everybody can participate: by arranging activities, bringing in new ideas and donations.
  • NETZ constructively and nonviolently stands up for human dignity and human rights. For those who are marginalised in society - barely respected and hindered in their development. Special focus is thereby put on women and minorities. NETZ carries their claims to the general public, to the economy and political institutions - on national and international level.
  • NETZ fights against hunger because it is intolerable that one out of every two children is chronically undernourished and that this causes long-term harm to millions of children. Therefore NETZ concentrates on the poorest of the poor.
  • In Bangladesh 60 out of 150 million people live in poverty despite of fruitful soil and economic growth. The country is rich in culture, but half of the children do not have the possibility to complete primary education. There is misuse of power and corruption, but there are many courageous people and organisations committed to justice.
  • Based on partnership NETZ connects people from Bangladesh and Germany - through exchange, open and equal dialogue and actions. The partnership is characterised by solidarity, responsibility and respect. Projects are developed and implemented with the participation of the local people - in shared responsibility with the partner organisations in Bangladesh.
  • Professionalism means to NETZ: development reaches the people - efficiently, transparently and effectively. NETZ is working since 1979 with Bangladesh, in cooperation with qualified partners in Bangladesh and Europe.
  • NETZ supports self-help programs for nutrition, education and human rights together with organisations in Bangladesh. Self-help is stengthened, income generating activities and schools supported, nutrition and health systems improved, women's rights and access to the legal system demanded. Through all of these actions, long lasting and far reaching structural changes are initiated.