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Disaster relief 2022

Climate change is hitting Bangladesh with full force. Its fatal consequences can – slowly and steadily, but also quite suddenly – destroy the livelihood of entire villages. In times of great need, NETZ provides on-site support.

Floods destroy houses and supplies float away. Hurricanes wreak havoc on fields, hailstorms threaten homes, and residents don‘t know where to spend the next night. The consequences of climate change are severe and repeatedly threaten to drag people into poverty. In such situations, things must happen quickly. NETZ supports people in the project areas with emergency aid in the form of food packages, hygiene products and medicines. and medicines. Already in advance disaster relief workers are coordinated and precautionary measures precautionary measures – so that the worst worst comes to worst. In 2022, the northern regions of Kurigram and Gaibandha regions were again hit by severe flooding. The NETZ partner organization MJSKS counted 300,000 people affected in the Kurigram in the Kurigram river region. In the context of the projects, our partner organizations were on-site, supporting the affected individuals and monitoring the situation. Due to the strong local self-help network, a large-scale emergency relief operation was not necessary throughout the entire reporting year.

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eine dreitägige Erstschulung eines*r freiwilligen Katastrophenhelfers*in.

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eine dreitägige Erstschulung eines*r freiwilligen Katastrophenhelfers*in.

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eine dreitägige Erstschulung eines*r freiwilligen Katastrophenhelfers*in.