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A fatal cycle 

Whether it's for work or due to family circumstances: Moving is exciting and part of life. But what happens when you are forced to move? And not just once, but every year. Because your own dwelling is destroyed by recurring floods.

The impact of climate change is an enormous threat to the world. But together with social injustice, this threat is already having a fatal effect in Bangladesh: the poorest people become victims over and over again because they lose everything in floods or due to tornadoes. Because no one supports them in finding a sustainable solution, they have to start all over again.

A cycle - but one that can be broken.

Devastating consequences

They contribute the least, but suffer the most - climate change is a double challenge for poor people in Bangladesh: they have to live with the devastating consequences of weather extremes, while the world fails to significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions as the main cause. At the same time, people remain forgotten in their own societies: Landless families are forced to settle in riverside regions or on large riverside char islands - because it is sometimes the only land from which they are not displaced. And yet they are forced to move every year - because the floods simply wash their homes away.

Tens of thousands of people are affected. Adults, the elderly, children. Swimmers and non-swimmers. They lose not only their belongings, but also lifespan. In the event of flooding, the water remains in houses and fields for almost three months until it has completely receded. For a 20-year-old, that means he has already lost three years of his life waiting for the flood to recede.

What are the chances of those affected?

Adapting to climate change is more than just responding to the increasingly severe impacts of extreme weather. Climate change affects all sectors of society. Whether and how much someone suffers from its effects fundamentally depends on exclusion and gender inequality. Therefore, addressing climate change has a lot to do with structural poverty and is also a matter of justice and human rights advocacy.

The rights of local people, their skills, experiences and knowledge serve as the basis for the projects. Together, people analyze their vulnerability to climate change: where in their locality does the water flow first? How much have harvests of which crops declined in recent years? How is the river next to the house changing? In training sessions, affected people learn about the science of climate change and develop practical disaster management skills. They get in touch with public authorities, researchers and other stakeholders. In this way, they contribute their perspectives and experience and help shape national climate policy while improving disaster management on the ground. The most disadvantaged people contribute their valuable knowledge and are thus recognized as important participants in the fight against the impact of climate change. At the same time, this strengthens their position in society and empowers them to also stand up for their social rights, to be heard, and to improve their living conditions in the long term as a result.

A successful approach

What the unions have achieved

    • Dialogue rounds with political decision-makers at the national
    • national and international level
    • Establishment of climate protection networks and meetings with
      network partners
    • Participation in studies, among others on  climate vulnerability and climate analyses
    • Presentation and discussion of climate study results and proposals for options for action at national and international level
    • Reports on the dangers of climate change for marginalised communities
Tree seedlings, bushes and crops

were planted - to strengthen the soil against erosion and for improved nutrition of the families.

Houses and school buildings

have been raised so that they are safe in times of flood and can be used as emergency shelters.

A round table on the climate topic

has brought the perspectives of families, social workers, researchers and activists to the center of nationwide attention.

Our principles


Climate change is a global threat that transcends borders. A partnership between people in more and less affected regions is essential.


Effective action against the impact of climate change is only possible if those affected are involved. Their perspectives, knowledge and ideas are at the forefront of the projects.


Climate change is not just about the weather, but also about social change. The projects therefore focus in particular on empowering socially disadvantaged people.

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Climate-friendly future -

€15 will cover ten tree seedlings to reduce soil erosion

Climate-friendly future -

€15 will cover ten tree seedlings to reduce soil erosion

Climate-friendly future -

€15 will cover ten tree seedlings to reduce soil erosion

Do you have any questions about us?

Hello, I am Habibur Rahman Chowdhury, Country Director of NETZ. Don't hesitate to contact us.