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Partner organisations in Bangladesh
NETZ connects people in Bangladesh and Germany – through personal encounters, dialogue and joint action. Self-help projects are developed and implemented jointly with partner organisations and the local community.

Programmatic overview:

  • Empowerment of ultra-poor: Ultra-poor families receive training and start-up assets like cows, goats, chicken, rickshaw or seeds and the lease for a piece of land to grow rice and vegetables. This enables the families to improve their nutrition significantly and to have sustainable access to clothing, health care and education for their children.
  • Primary education: At schools supported by NETZ girls and boys from poor families learn reading, writing and to do math - the basic skills for a brighter future.
  • Human rights: NETZ stands up for the rights of the poorest in the villages. Human rights defenders train marginalised women, minorities and landless people. They advocate for the fulfilment of human rights in Bangladesh.
  • Disaster response: NETZ provides rice, lentils, water and infant food to the poorest people in need after a disaster and promotes preventive measures.

Currently NETZ works together with 12 partner organisations in Bangladesh. All these non-governmental organisations (NGOs) work together with particularly marginalized population groups, the poorest of the poor. In addition, special emphasis is laid on the cooperation with women involving their families.

For further information please visit the websites of our partner organisations.

NETZ works with its local partners

I have been researching and working in Bangladesh since 2007. In this context, I am particularly interested in the question how public space is regulated in the capital Dhaka. Who has access and under which conditions? I experience strong women who have created their own spaces, but also the vulnerability that exists outside their neighbourhoods. NETZ works with its local partners to ensure that women and girls are aware of their rights and can confidently express themselves both at home and in public contexts in order to shape their future.

Dr. Kirsten Hackenbroch, Former Director, Goethe-Institut, Dhaka

Together we can achieve more
NETZ is a member of broader initiatives and networks

VENRO is the umbrella organization of developmental and humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Germany. The association was established in 1995, NETZ was part of it from the beginning. In the meantime, about 140 organizations are part of it.

The Bangladesh Forum Germany is an association of church relief organizations, development and human rights organizations, Bangladeshis in Germany and representatives from academia.
In close exchange with civil society partners in Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Forum brings analyses and demands into discussions with political decision-makers at the German and EU level.

The AGDF is an umbrella and professional association of 32 organizations and institutions that carry out peace work with different focuses and work programs in Germany and abroad. The people involved in the AGDF are not resigned to the conflict between the expectation of a world in which peace reigns and the daily experience of discord, violence and injustice. Real steps towards peace are possible and can succeed, as examples from the work of the organizations show.